Commercial Demo
Email: Business number: 2566690062 Mobile number: 2512531803 Website: |
Gender: Female Location: Madison, AL Description of voice: My voice is youthful, vivacious, relatable, spunky, bright, sassy, cute, and raspy. Sounding Age(s): 5 - 10, 11 - 16, 17 - 20, 21 - 30, 31 - 40 Languages: English (USA) Accents: Southern US, neutral American Expertise: Commercial, Explainer, Narration |
Broadcast Quality Home Studio
Software: | Other |
Video Sync Available: | No |
Remote connectivity: | Google Hangouts, ipDTL, Phone Patch/TBU, Skype, Source Connect, Zoom |
Microphones: | CAD GXL2200 |
Studio demo sample |
Acting/Voiceover training with Voice One | After a year of beginner acting classes and private voiceover coaching, I started training with Voice One based out of San Francisco, CA. I've taken their beginner classes, the intermediate classes (all of the commercial, narration and character core classes) and many advanced training classes. These group classes are very in-depth and have prepared me to be a professional voice actor. This has totaled 2 years so far. |
Private Coaching for Voiceover | Before Voice One, I took private sessions at Voices Carey with beginner instructors. They helped me develop the basic skills and propel me forward as I realized this career is my calling. Later, during my training with Voice One, I got in touch with J. Michael Collins and took advanced private coaching sessions with him on commercial copy, corporate narration, medical narration, e-learning and explainers. He produced my commercial demo and is also producing 4 of my narration demos (the ones listed). |